Take some time...
Please take this time to really nourish yourself.
Choose your favourite cup and sprinkle in a teaspoon of chai. Heat up some milk of your choice, then pour it over your chai and give it a quick stir.
Notice the spicy aromas hitting your nose as they blend with the milk. Now find a spot for you to enjoy more of your moment.
Sit and take a deep breath in, and on the exhale imagine all of your worries leaving your body. Hold the cup in your hands and feel its warmth, the texture of the cup and its weight in your hands.
Take the cup to your lips and take a sip. Feel the chai in your mouth and travelling down your throat.
All of the benefits of the spices are now finding their way into your body and going where they are most needed.
Finally, thank yourself and your body for making this moment possible. Enjoy.

Now is all we have.
It is all that truly exists.
When you are thinking of the past or the future you are not living to your fullest potential or allowing yourself to be open to receiving.
A simple way to become more present is to focus on your breath.
Breathe in and follow the air through your nostrils down into your lungs, and then observe the air as you exhale.
Know that all is right in this very moment, and this moment is all that there is.

Whether we realise it or not, we are creating our life.
Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs manifest (materialise) as our reality.
You can choose how you want your world to be. Some simple steps to achieving the life you desire are firstly... Be specific. Define what it is that you want.
Next, think of an event that would happen once you have what it is that you want. Then, lastly, find a quiet moment, close your eyes, relax. Imagine you are sleepy, then feel yourself into the proposed event. Focus on this experience and the feelings associated with it.
Feel it as though it is here and now, and imagine yourself actively involved
in the event, not just as an onlooker.
Happy creating!

Clearing your mind.
Often when we take some time out to meditate we try to clear our mind. This is sometimes easier said than done.
While you are enjoying your cup of chai, I want you to let go of trying to clear your thoughts, and rather focus on something you would like to happen in your life. Close your eyes and imagine you are already living that life.
Let your imagination go into as much detail as you can. What are you wearing? How do you hold yourself? Who or what are you surrounded by? How do you feel? Feel it throughout your body. Imagine that it is already happening... Immerse yourself in these thoughts.
Right inner speech is the first step to becoming what you want to be.

Focused attention on our breath can lead to a healthier mind and body. It can improve sleep, reduce appetite, lower blood pressure and can help prevent heart disease.
When you make your chai and find somewhere to enjoy it, take a deep breath in through your nose and follow that breath down into your stomach - watching your stomach rise, then follow it out again, rising up and out of your nostrils.
Repeat as often as you can. This simple exercise can have a profound affect on the systems in your body, and it makes you feel great.

Be okay with what is.
Every time you make yourself a chai, take it as a moment for you to not only nourish your body but give your mind some time to calm.
We all have so many thoughts throughout the day. A great way to slow them down and give yourself some clarity is to focus on your breath.
So, once you have made your chai and found a place to have it, take a beautiul... deep... breath in. Feel your stomach rise, pause for a moment... then exhale.
Let the exhale take with it any stress you may be feeling, either mentally or physically.
Your thoughts may still persist, that's okay. Acknowledge them, then place your focus back on your breath.
And... Enjoy your chai. xo